Do you ever keep losing your network signal and start cursing your carrier? Although they may be at fault, it is not always in their hands. Maybe the wireless network requires multiple components to constantly work in sync. If some of them are not on point, you could lose the connection. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure your cell phone reception does not bail on you at urgent moments.
What causes poor signal strength?
There are several factors that can weaken cell phone reception.
On your phone:
Software or hardware - A backdated software or damaged hardware could be the reason for poor reception. Several components work together on your device to give you a reception. If any of them are damaged, that could be a problem.
Battery - When your battery is low, your phone's operating capacity goes down. This means it becomes more difficult for your antenna to catch signals. This also works the other way around. If you try to connect to a network in a poor reception area for too long, it puts a lot of pressure on the phone and battery. This will make your battery drain pretty quickly.
External causes:
Weather - Cell phone connections rely on electromagnetic waves. In short, they constantly transmit and receive electromagnetic waves to and from cell towers during a connection. These can be affected by humidity, overcast, thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and even snow. This is why extreme weather conditions hamper the network strength.
Carrier - Of course, your service provider plays a part in it. The service you get depends on the number of towers they have in a specific location and how widespread their network is.
Location and surroundings - Your geographic location plays a big part in the network you get. If you are surrounded by tall trees or multiple construction sites, you can expect cell reception to be poor. This is also valid when you are in a highly-populated area. Also, if you do not have cell towers nearby, you will not get good reception.
How can you fix it?
If you know exactly what is causing poor signal strength, you can work on that. But in case you are not sure (which is more likely), here's what you can do:Charge the device
If you constantly face low network issues, check if it often happens when your battery is low. As explained above, a low battery prevents your phone from catching signals, especially, if the reception is weak. In this case, charge your phone and try again. If the signal is still weak, try another solution from below.
1. Move to a different location
If you are in a new location or traveling and suddenly face network issues, the location might be the cause. If you constantly have a poor signal at the workplace or college, try connecting from a different spot on the area.
2. Update software
Keeping your system updated improves your phone's performance in several ways. Updates usually include security patches and bug fixes that help your device work well. It optimizes built-in apps, calling, and data transfer as well. So, every time you get a system update, install it as soon as you can.
3. Check for hardware damage
The main part of your phone that sends and receives signals is the antenna. Since these antennas no longer stick out of the device, it is harder to tell their condition. But any damage to the antenna will impact your cell reception. In addition to that, any significant damage to your phone's motherboard can also cause it to malfunction.
4. Install a signal booster
This solution only works indoors. A signal booster is a device used to enhance weak signals. It takes a weak cell signal from outdoors and enhances it indoors. You can then direct the enhanced signal to where it is most needed. You can use it in your home, office, or vehicle. There are different types of signal boosters available in the market. This is an effective method to improve weak signals and is also endorsed by major carriers.
5. Change your carrier
It could be the number of cell towers your carrier uses. It could be the locations of the towers. The number of users on their network could be too high for the number of towers they use. Or, it could simply be poor service on their part because of the technology they use. Switching to better service is an almost certain way of getting better reception.
6. Get a new phone
If you have a damaged antenna, there is no certainty that it will be repairable. Even without damage, your phone could be wearing out with long term usage. If none of the above solutions work, it might be time to get a new phone. This time, look for a phone with good reception. Some carriers even sell phones with a service package as a bundle. These carrier cell phones are often reliable and affordable.
If nothing else works,
7. Use the alternate option
Internet. This does not apply to all situations but could be an immediate solution for you. There are plenty of messaging and calling apps these days that work seamlessly with a good internet connection. If you are outdoors, look for Wi-Fi connections at shops, restaurants or malls.
Final thoughts
This is hardly ever the reason, but you may not be getting good reception because of how you hold your phone. Since the antennas are now inside, you could be covering it accidentally. Some thick phone cases often do this too. This is not a matter of concern with modern devices, but it can happen.
For persistent network issues, the best solution is to switch your phone or carrier or both. There is no guarantee that the other carrier will provide better service, so do your research. Look at reviews online and ask your friends too.
For temporary glitches, any of the other solutions can help. Hope this guide was useful.
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