"Injustice 2" has just revealed its trailer and several fans have noticed that there is a battle scene where Wonder Woman is fighting with a familiar character. It seems like a new reveal will be coming next week, however.
At the official Twitter account of "Injustice 2", they published the new teaser along with Superman cradling a person with a veil. In the said tweet where the teaser was released, the caption stated: "The lines are redrawn." It seems like a new level of excitement will build up with the latest reveal of the said feature next week. As per the sources, developer NetherRealm will be revealing more details regarding it on January 17th, Tuesday.
DC Comics has also released a second teaser in what was seen as two female fighters who looks like Wonder Woman and Supergirl. It is still uncertain if it is indeed Supergirl, however, but both are already confirmed to be included in the game. In the said teaser released by DC Comics, the caption says" "The battle rages on!" and the same date, January 17th, was posted in the same tweet which now has over million likes and 600,000 RTs.
On May 16th this year, "Injustice 2" is set to be released for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4. In the said newest update, confirmed fighters Deadshot and Harley Quinn were revealed last August. Quinn was a returning character from the first installment while Deadshot is new to the series. Superman, Aquaman, Gorilla Grodd, Atrocitus and Blue Beetle are other confirmed characters for the said release.
It would be exciting to see if it is indeed Supergirl that Wonder Woman is fighting with. The two women are strong forces that can actually turn around one's gaming experience. Meanwhile, for those who were not able to see the latest teaser for the January 17th event, here is the video:
The Lines Are Redrawn.
Find out more 01.17.2017 #Injustice2 pic.twitter.com/bG4DX2wtye— Injustice2 (@InjusticeGame) January 13, 2017
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