“Pokémon GO’s” Gen 2 Update might have changed how Nests work. "Pokémon GO's" Gen 2 Update brought along more than 80 Pokémon and some changes on the many features of the game.
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There is a "Pokemon Go" hack that enables players to catch even gen 2 Pokemon without making so much effort of going out and tracking the pocket monsters.
The long-awaited "Pokemon Go" update has finally been released, but a new Gen 2 Pocket Monster is causing some serious problem for both Android and Apple players.
Blissey is taking over 'Pokemon GO' one gym at a time. The ultra tanky monster has just toppled Dragonite's reign.
Dragonite has been widely regarded as the strongest Pokemon in 'Pokemon GO,' but such may no longer be the case as the Gen 2 Pokemon are set to challenge the Dragon type Pokemon's reign.
Pokemon GO Gen 2 Pokemon Unown has been spotted around the world. Does something special happen when you catch all 26?
Some players have shared some tips on how to get evolved versions of Eevee without having to stake out its nest.
The recently rolled out update for "Pokemon Go" brings in an array of awe-inspiring special items, including evolution items, that trainers can use to evolve their favorite Pokemon.
“Pokemon GO” is releasing a new batch of monsters into the wild and Niantic hopes to reignite the madness that turned this AR game into a sensation of sorts. Niantic has released over 80 more Pokemon and new features in a major update to the app. Hordes of users are logging in to their beloved app and Niantic is busy addressing latency issues.
"Pokemon Go" Gen 2 update is expected to boast a slew of evolutionary items including metal coat, sun stone, and dragon scale.
Whether “Pokemon GO” Gen 2 Pokemon are coming on Feb. 18 is not yet finalized but it is widely believed that they will be released this weekend. When it comes, it shall be a treat for many with loads of new Pokemon to catch. Apart from the 80 Gen 2 Pokemon, there are few other updates that players may not be aware of.
Niantic's "Pokemon Go" announced the new generation of creatures to add to its roster.
Pokemon GO Gen 2 could start as early as February 16 PST. Niantic Labs offers 50% discount on storage to help players prepare.