If you're looking to insult someone via Twitter, you may want to think again, as Twitter is reportedly "ghost" deleting offensive Tweets according to Heat Street. According to the report, Twitter had plans on eliminating harassment on their platform and unveiled new tools to start battling against abusive Twitter accounts.
However, the company didn't mention anything about "ghost" deleting offensive language. "Ghost" deleting means Twitter has been deleting what it thinks is an offensive content without notifying the account that posted it. The "offensive" Tweet can still be seen by the person who posted it, but others may not. They will only be redirected to a page that says it was deleted.
John Sweeney of SuperNerdLand discovered this "ghost" deletion by Twitter wherein he posted a meme with the hashtag #NotTheEnemy.
Twitter has ghost-deleted my Tweet. This still exists to me. https://t.co/6rBYn7VKNv
— Scrumpmonkey Classic (@SuperNerdCow) February 18, 2017
His post was deleted but he can still see his post. The actual text of his Tweet didn't contain any offensive language. However, the meme that he used has the phrase "autistic screeching" in it. Twitter must have seen the meme manually to have found it offensive in nature.
Sweeney conducted an experiment to determine what triggers Twitter's deletion. He posted the same Tweet but without the hashtag and Twitter didn't delete his post. However, another account, @SuperNerdMike, posted the meme with the combination of the hashtag, the Tweet was deleted.
The hashtag #NotTheEnemy began as an anti-Trump hashtag which means journalists should not be Trump's enemy. Sweeney speculated that Twitter is monitoring that particular hashtag wherein they delete highly retweeted offensive content.
Twitter hasn't been clear on how they are implementing their "anti-harassment" policy. Users are now claiming that the company should at least be transparent on what they think are "offensive" content.
What do you think of Twitter "ghost" deleting offensive contents? Write and share your thoughts on the comments section down below.
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